Sunday, December 17, 2023

Third Week of Advent

 On this third week of Advent, may your family be filled with joy and wonder.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Second week of Advent

 On this second week of Advent, I wish everyone PEACE as we PREPARE for the birth of Jesus.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Happy Hanukkah!

 To those celebrating the Festival Of Lights, I wish you all a Happy Hanukkah!

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Tario Family

 10 years ago I drew a portrait of Marissa and Ben for their wedding invitation.  For their 10th anniversary, They asked me to do a new illustrated portrait to show how their family has grown.  Now their puppy is a fully grown fluffy ball of fun, and they have two adorable children fully of sass and silliness.  Congratulations, Ben and Missy!

Monday, August 7, 2023

Families Celebrate Advent Cards

I am excited to announce that the "Families Celebrate Advent & Christmas" card deck is now available to purchase through Augsburg Fortress!  This deck of cards has activities, historical facts and information about Christian religious traditions for families to enjoy together as they celebrate the Christmas season from the beginning of Advent to Epiphany!

Thursday, February 9, 2023

The Ghosts of Venice

I have been wanting to do a Venice inspired piece for a while.  I was able to visit Venice back in college, and it was such a beautiful, inspirational place.  The sort of place that feels like it made of history, culture, genius and magic.  

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Little Golden Books are here!

Look what just arrived in the mail today! So excited to have illustrated a Little Golden Book!